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Friday, February 14, 2025

Spirit of place

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"Harmony between science and environment generates wellness ": we think that this sentence expresses in the best way the spirit of this place.

Science: the name Villa Pacinotti reminds us the link it has with Antonio Pacinotti, the scientist who invented the dynamo, and spended long time of his life in this house. His invention marks the beginning of the age of electricity, the same in which we live.

Environment : the great attention that I and my wife have for the environment can be understood by our choices, made with mutual agreement:  organic farming to cultivate the farm, ecological materials to restore the farmhouse and turn it in tourist-farm, and renewable energies for electricity, heating and hot water. However, there is a deep connection between these choices and the ideas of the inventor of the dynamo. Step by step I got to know better the figure of Antonio Pacinotti and I was surprised discovering his great environmental sensitivity. He knew very well that fossil fuels - coal, for exemple - would finish and understood that the modern society could survive only using the solar energy. He thought that the electicity made by his "macchinetta" (little machine) was only a means to transfer energy, but the primary source of energy to move the dinamo had to be found in the sun.

Wellness : If the prophetical ideas of Antonio Pacinotti could have found implementation immediately, much of the damage to the environment produced by an irresponsible industrial development would have been avoided. Even today, despite the mature technologies for the use of renewable energies, and primarily of the solar one, we are still heavily dependent on highly pollutant fuels.

Therefore, as far as we could, we tried to minimize our footprint on the environment and at the same time with our choices we contributed to defend our health and that of our loved ones.  We also  work to inform and sensitize people about environmental concerns because we think that we have to find all together a way out of the tunnel in which our society has slipped.

Only in a healthy and unpolluted enviroment it is possible to get a true wellness: this is why we offer to our guests an environment as healthy as possible, both outside and inside. For everything else it's enough the charme of the place, that is a true oasis of peace and tranquillity where you can relax and gain new energies for body and mind. 

villa pacinotti

An oasis of peace in the tuscan countryside

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This is a little paradise!” we often hear our guests say when they first come here.



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