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Lunedì, Ottobre 21, 2024

privacy policy

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Privacy notice


The Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003 (“Rules for the safeguard of personal data”) protects individuals and others with regard to the possession and use of personal data. In compliance with the above-mentioned law, your data will be used respecting the principles of correctness, legality and transparency, safeguarding your privacy and your rights.  Pursuant to art. 13 of Leg.Decr. no.196/2003, therefore, we communicate the following information:  The data provided by you will be used in the performance of our booking services, to respond to requests of information or availability in the website.  The data will be handled by our computer system. Your data is necessary because without it we cannot make reservations for you, reply to requests of availability, submit the newsletter or provide other information. Refusal to communicate your data will therefore make it impossible to fulfill the contract or process the request.  Your data will be communicated exclusively to the offices assigned to prepare the reservation contract or process your request. No other use will be made of your data.  We handling your data as:  Giovanni Maria Malatesta, for Azienda Agricola/Agrituristica Villa Pacinotti - via di Caloria e Valdibure 6/10 - Pistoia (PT).  At any time, you may exercise your rights towards the organization in charge of handling your data, pursuant to art. 7 of Leg.Decr. 196/2003.

Cookies notice

Cookies are small bits of text that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Almost all modern website uses cookies: this site also uses some of them.

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 This website uses

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  • third part cookies: for this site they are attributable only to social networks linked in it:
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For information about the cookies used by these networks and how to block them consult the privacy policies of each network.

Each browser, then, allows to delete cookies installed or block them entirely or in part. Please note, however, that totally disabling cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use all interactive features.


villa pacinotti

Un'oasi di tranquillità nella campagna toscana

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Se siete qui, almeno virtualmente, siete mossi dalla curiosità di saperne di più su questa realtà …

Capita che chi viene a trovarci per la prima volta esclami “questo è un piccolo paradiso!”...



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